Ysgol Gynradd Saron

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Local authority
Carmarthenshire County Council
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Inspection reports and letters

Parents and carers inspection reports

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Ysgol Gynradd Saron
SA18 3LH
Y Deyrnas Unedig

Improvement resources from this provider

Thematic report |

Active and experiential learning - Effective foundation phase practice in delivering literacy and numeracy in Year 1 and Year 2

pdf, 4.57 MB Added 14/12/2017

Our report and film describes effective practice in delivering literacy and numeracy through active and experiential learning. ...Read more
Thematic report |

Welsh in the Foundation Phase: Developing Welsh as a first language in primary schools and the non-maintained sector - December 2013

pdf, 544.16 KB Added 01/12/2013

The purpose of the report is to: report on the standards of speaking, reading and writing in Welsh in the Foundation Phase in Welsh-medium schools and non-maintained settings; consider the differen ...Read more