Ysgol Gyfun Gwyr

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Swansea Council
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Inspection reports and letters

pdf, 217.58 KB Added 24/01/2023

Parents and carers inspection reports

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Ysgol Gyfun Gwyr
Talbot Street
Y Deyrnas Unedig

Improvement resources from this provider

Thematic report |

The teaching of Welsh history including Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic history, identity and culture

Estyn agreed with the Welsh Government to undertake a state of the nation thematic survey in response to two recommendations by the Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee on the teach ...Read more
Thematic report |

How schools and colleges used the RRRS and catch-up grants for post-16 learners

This report focuses on the support for post-16 learners since September 2020 through the ‘Recruit, Recover, Raise Standards: Accelerating Learning Programme’ grant (the RRRS grant) in schools and t ...Read more
Support to keep Wales learning |

Engagement work: Secondary sector update – Spring Term 2021

This report summarises the findings from engagement phone calls made to over 150 secondary schools between the end of October 2020 and the end of February 2021. ...Read more
Thematic report |

Post-16 partnerships - Shared planning and provision between schools, and between schools and colleges

This report on strategic planning and partnership working for the education of 16 to 19-year-olds in school sixth forms and further education colleges, provides an overview of the way that mainstre ...Read more
Thematic report |

A level Welsh First Language

pdf, 1.18 MB Added 17/06/2020

The aim of this subject inspection is to provide Welsh Government with an overview of standards, learners’ attitudes, provision and leadership in terms of Welsh as a First Language A level subject. ...Read more
Thematic report |

New qualifications

pdf, 1002.81 KB Added 17/07/2018

This report is in response to a request in the Cabinet Secretary’s annual remit letter to Estyn for 2017-2018. ...Read more
Thematic report |

Moderation of teacher assessment at key stage 2 and key stage 3: a review of accuracy and consistency

pdf, 1.08 MB Added 22/09/2016

The findings of the survey are based on visits to eight cluster moderation meetings, two in each of the regional consortia, followed by visits to two schools in each cluster. ...Read more
Thematic report |

Best practice in leadership development in schools - June 2015

pdf, 920.26 KB Added 10/06/2015

This thematic survey report is published in response to a request for advice from the Welsh Government in the Ministerial remit letter to Estyn for 2014-2015. ...Read more
Thematic report |

Twelve secondary school improvement journeys- December 2013

pdf, 1.02 MB Added 01/12/2013

Over the years, Estyn inspectors have visited schools at various stages of development. ...Read more
Effective practice |

Raising standards in literacy and numeracy

Ysgol Gyfun Gwyr, Swansea, is committed to raising standards in literacy and numeracy as well as improving the level of achievement of more able and talented pupils. ...Read more