Effective practice |

Supporting learners to make informed choices for the future

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Information about the school

Stanwell School is an English-medium mixed 11 to 19 comprehensive foundation school, situated in Penarth, Vale of Glamorgan. There are 1,984 pupils on roll (December 2021) , of whom around 470 are in the sixth form. The school serves the communities of Penarth and Sully and also attracts around three in every 10 pupils from outside the catchment area. Around 6% of pupils are eligible for free school meals, which is well below the national average of 17.5%. Just over 6% of pupils live in the 20% most deprived areas of Wales. Around one in 10 have a special educational need. Approximately 15% are from an ethnic-minority background other than white British. A small proportion of pupils receive support to learn English as an additional language (4%). 3% of pupils speak Welsh fluently.

Context and background to the effective or innovative practice

Stanwell School has a well-coordinated student guidance and advice schedule and robust processes to ensure learners are fully supported to make informed choices regarding subjects, careers and future choices. The work of Careers Advisors, Work Related Education Coordinator and pastoral leaders has been carefully aligned and strategically planned to ensure learners and their parents/carers receive useful information in a timely manner and that they are able to access bespoke guidance to pursue a variety of interests. This provision is evident in each Key Stage and supports pupils at different points in their education by providing up-to-date and useful guidance.

Description of nature of strategy or activity

School-based activities include one-to-one discussions of pupils’ options at the end of Key Stages 3 and 4 and each sixth form student is assigned an experienced and trained personal tutor to support them through the UCAS and other application processes. The school has appointed an experienced Higher Education Coordinator who provides a structured programme that enables students to consider careers, potential Higher Education routes and supports them and their tutors in writing personal statements and CVs. In addition, there is a designated Careers Wales Advisor for sixth form students and regular mock interviews, conducted by local employers and professionals, are organised to ensure students are equipped to cope with the next stage. Work-related and careers fairs for each Key Stage are planned following learner voice activities to ensure students have access to the most relevant expertise and that they can explore possible future pathways. In addition, the school hosts a number of Options Evenings where learners and parents/carers can meet with school staff to explore the broad range of subjects and qualifications being offered by the school. 

What impact has this work had on provision and learners’ standards?

Attendance rates have already recovered significantly to somewhere near pre-pandemic levels, suggesting that the curriculum offer and subject option choices are appropriate to learners interests and needs. Similarly, outcomes continue to be very high for most pupils and in learner voice activities most say that they feel that the advice, guidance and support they are given prepares them well for moving on to the next stage in their learning and careers.

How have you shared your good practice?

Stanwell School is currently a Learning Network School for EAS and a CSC Professional Learning Lead School, sharing examples of good practice in and beyond the regions. 

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