Effective practice |

Teaching practices create high quality learning experiences

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Information about the school:

Stanwell School is an English-medium mixed 11 to 19 comprehensive school situated in Penarth, Vale of Glamorgan. There are 1983 pupils on roll, of whom aproximately 470 are in the sixth form. The school serves the communities of Penarth and Sully. Around 6% of pupils are eligible for free school meals, which is well below the national average of 17.5%. Just over 4% of pupils live in the 20% most deprived areas of Wales.

Context and background to sector-leading practice:

Visitors to Stanwell School are left in no doubt that there is an expectation that the staff must provide high quality learning experiences that are focused on creating a climate of mutual respect and a setting that fosters respect for one another, the environment and achievement.  This focus on high expectations is evident in all classrooms and the emphasis on establishing effective classroom routines that make efficient use of time has led to excellent learning habits that are evident across the curriculum.

Pupils achieve excellent outcomes in the school, as there is a consistent understanding across staff and pupils of the key factors that contribute to excellent outcomes.  Firstly, this has been achieved by ensuring that key fundamentals exist, such as all teachers having consistently high expectations of pupils’ work and behaviour and all departments having well-designed schemes of work and robust assessments in place.  Secondly, and of equal importance, leaders have developed a whole school culture of sharing good practice with a recognition that all teachers can improve their skills in a climate of critical reflection.  Good practice is shared effectively within and across departments, and the school seeks partnerships beyond the school to develop teachers’ practice and leadership skills.  An open-door policy throughout the school, where teachers learn from each other’s practice, has ensured that beneficial teaching strategies are disseminated.  This produces an honest dialogue among teachers on the strategies that have the most effect on improving pupils’ learning. Teachers are encouraged to take risks and they plan interesting activities where the focus is on pupils working collaboratively and being active learners.  In Stanwell, pupils are always busy learners, this is paramount.  

The publication of a termly Learning and Teaching Newsletter, called 2XL, acts as a vehicle for teachers and support staff to learn, share and develop pedagogical practice throughout the school.  This has ensured that teachers and support staff regularly discuss and focus on classroom practice.  The establishment of ‘Cross-Curricular Groups’ such as a Learning and Teaching Group have brought about strategies to promote thinking skills through the curriculum.  Teachers use these strategies consistently in key stage 3, and as a result, pupils have become more independent, self-sufficient and resilient learners.

The introduction of additional learning activities throughout the year for more able and talented pupils, as well as a culture of ‘teaching to the top’, ensures high levels of challenge and rapid progress in pupils’ knowledge, understanding and skills.  In addition, there is a very strong commitment to ensuring that pupils experience a wide variety of enrichment activities and extra-curricular learning opportunities.  The school's emphasis on learning in, and outside, of the classroom ensures that pupils feel valued and supported in all aspects of their development.  As a result, pupils display high levels of commitment and work hard for their teachers.

What impact has this work had on provision and learners’ standards?

Outcomes at Key Stage 4 and in the Sixth Form are above similar schools and have exceeded expectations for many years.  All groups of pupils, especially those eligible for free school meals and more able and talented, achieve exceptionally well and nearly all pupils make rapid progress in developing their knowledge, skills and understanding.  Pupils’ behaviour and engagement in learning are exemplary and they are well-equipped to contribute to the wider community. 

How have you shared your good practice?

Stanwell School is a lead practitioner school and has been accredited as an improvement hub school.   The school is also a member of the CSC High-performing schools’ network for implementation of the LNF and is a designated Secondary Numeracy Specialist Centre.  ESDGC links are also very strong, as the school is a Global Learning Lead Practitioner.  The school is also a member of iNet and has hosted learning and teaching conferences.

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